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Quartet Crowns

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2020 Viva Crowns
Presenting...Queens of Harmony Crowns

Since 1947, quartets have competed for the title of Sweet Adelines International Champion Quartet. Achieving that title is the ultimate dream for Sweet Adelines quartets. As the international champion quartet, you are declared the best in the world.

Since 1951, Sweet Adelines International Champion Quartets have been presented with crowns to recognize their achievement. (The earliest crowns, made of flowers, seashells, and other delicate materials did not survive, but the early quartets received jewel crowns later.) Although the gold medal continues to serve as the prize for earning the most points at international competition, the ultimate gift to quartet champions is the crown, and it lives on as a lovely and lasting tradition of our organization. Sweet Adelines members also refer to champions as “Queens of Harmony.”

Crown Gallery
Take a closer look at the 2020 crown, worn by Viva!

Read Viva!: Healing and Triumph from The Pitch Pipe, January 2020.

Watch Viva!'s performance from Quartet Finals, 2019 (New Orleans, Louisiana, USA)

Take a closer look at the 2019 crown, worn by ClassRing!
Take a closer look at the 2018 crown, worn by Lustre!
Take a closer look at the 2017 crown, worn by Frenzy!
Take a closer look at the 2016 crown, worn by Speed of Sound!
Take a closer look at the 2015 crown, worn by Bling!
Take a closer look at the 2014 crown, worn by LoveNotes!
Take a closer look at the 2013 crown, worn by Touché!
Take a closer look at the 2012 crown, worn by Martini.
Take a closer look at the 2011 crown, worn by Maxx Factor.
Take a closer look at the 2010 crown, worn by Zing!
Take a closer look at the 2009 crown, worn by Moxie Ladies.
Take a closer look at the 2008 crown, worn by Four Bettys.
Take a closer look at the 2007 crown, worn by SALT.
Take a closer look at the 2006 crown, worn by Spotlight.
Take a closer look at the 2005 crown, worn by "the BUZZ".
Take a closer look at the 2004 crown, worn by Brava!
Take a closer look at the 2002 crown, worn by Fanatix.
Take a closer look at the 2001 crown, worn by A Capella Gold.
Take a closer look at the 1999 crown, worn by Rumors.
Take a closer look at the 1998 crown, worn by Classic Edition.
Take a closer look at the 1997 crown, worn by 4-Star Collection.
Take a closer look at the 1996 crown, worn by Weekend Edition.
Take a closer look at the 1994 crown, worn by Showtime.
Take a closer look at the 1988 crown, worn by Savvy.
Take a closer look at the 1987 crown, worn by Ginger 'N Jazz.
Take a closer look at the 1986 crown, worn by Ambiance.
Take a closer look at the 1985 crown, worn by Jubilation.
Take a closer look at the 1984 crown, worn by 4 For The Show.
Take a closer look at the 1983 crown, worn by Melo-Edge.
Take a closer look at the 1982 crown, worn by Music Gallery.
Take a closer look at the 1981 crown, worn by All Star Jubilee.
Take a closer look at the 1979 crown, worn by Hallmarks.
Take a closer look at the 1978 crown, worn by Tetrachords.
Take a closer look at the 1977 crown, worn by Shondells.
Take a closer look at the 1976 crown, worn by High Society.
Take a closer look at the 1975 crown, worn by Front Office Four.
Take a closer look at the 1974 crown, worn by Sounds of Music.
Take a closer look at the 1973 crown, worn by Tiffanys.
Take a closer look at the 1971 crown, worn by Bron's Tones.
Take a closer look at the 1970 crown, worn by Rarities.
Take a closer look at the 1967 crown, worn by Hurricane Honeys.
Take a closer look at the 1965 crown, worn by Shalimars.
Take a closer look at the 1964 crown, worn by Note-Cracker Sweets
Take a closer look at the 1962 crown, worn by Sea-Adelines
Take a closer look at the 1960 crown, worn by Gibson Girls
Take a closer look at the 1958 crown, worn by Sweet and Lows
Take a closer look at the 1953 crown, worn by Big Four
Take a closer look at the 1952 crown, worn by Pitch Pipers.
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